Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Learning to Type with Fins.

Good evening all, from the Canadian prairies!  My name is Pinyin the Betta Fish, and who knew that typing was so hard?  I mean, you humans have it easy with those long pink things at the end of those pink flabby things that are attached to your fins. 

Oh?  My correspondant tells me that the long things are your fingers, and the flabby things are hands.  Am I correct?

Why am I here?  I am here to help you, the new and the veteran pet keepers make good choices when taking care of us.  I am but a low, humble fish, but if I cannot speak out for the general population of mistreated, under nourished pets in the world, weather furred, scaled, gilled or feathered, then who will?

So, for my first entry, I will, in my amazing intelligence, let you humans know what you need to take care of my kind.
*cough cough*

You will need:
*a 2.5 gallon or larger fish tank with a lighted hood
*Water dechlorinator
*Proper fish food
*a heater
*a thermometer
*a filter
*a place for my kind to hide

The tank should be at least 2.5 gallons.  Otherwise, you will have to clean the tank twice a week.

*cough cough*

1) Rinse everything that will be going into the tank with hot water.  Pour the gravel into a seive and rinse it like that.  It's easier that way. 
2) Rinse the inside of the tank with hot water.  Windex the outside, but squirt the chemicals onto the paper towel.
3) Set up my tank as you see fit.  PLEASE use silk plants or real plants.  Plastic plants can cut my fins (and then I can write to you anymore)
4) Fill the tank, and start the filter.  Make sure to add the dechlorinator!  It will remove the chlorine in the water, as well as coat my slime barier to make sure that I won't catch Ich or Velvet. (YAY for being healthy!)
5) Wait a few days, and have the water tested.  If the Nitrate and Nitrite levels are fine, then buy your new fish!! :D
*****REMEMBER that you can only put ONE male betta PER TANK!!!  We will fight each other to the death other wise*****
6) Bring me home, and FEED ME!
There you go, easy peasy, and I'll be fine!

Tune in next time for food suggestions!
Pinyin and (owner/staff) Rae-Rae

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