[Pin's eating. Poppy reporting!]
As a new correspondant, I am here to introduce myself and my tank mates!
I am Poppy, a red tailed female betta. My tank mates are Ponyo, a blue female betta, Pandy, a dark red tailed female betta, and Perky, a blue tailed female betta. We all live in a ten gallon tank that sits next to Pinyin's tank.
So, I happened to be flopping about, and hopped into our owner's dream journal! Here's what she wrote:
I'm running through streets that I don't know. Panic is screaming in my brain, making any rational thought impossible.
I check over my shoulder at the shouts that I can hear from behind. Three men, gangsters of sorts, chase after me, their white work shirts unbuttoned and flapping in the wind to reveal muscle shirts and a leather gun holster.
The alley that I run down opens into a busier street. I grab the brick wall with my right hand to help me turn faster, and in the process, I can feel the skin on my palm scrape aagainst the rough surface of the wall.
Someone rushes into my path, and I freeze. His hands grab my wrists in such a tight grip that my hands tingle.
"What's your name," he says, gazing into my eyes. His voice is as cold as steel, and his almond eyes show the same emotion as I managed to mutter my name.
The three persuers come out of the alley and turn towards me again. The person with a death grip on my wrists sees them sprinting around the corner and he pulls me into an embrace, burying my face in his chest.
He yells at them in a language that I don't understand. The three yell back.
I hear the cocking of a gun.
The explosion.
And I feel my breath rush out of me.
And I wake up.
That's all folks, good night from Pinyin's Tank o' Glory!
[no betta fish escaped in the making of this blog]